Today, I began to use the Whole Brain Teaching 5-step lesson plan template. The class learning objective was to define unknown words using context clues. Here is a brief summary of how the lesson went.
First, I asked the question, "What are context clues?" The students used "Teach""OK" to ask each other the question. After that, I placed the Context Clues Power Pix under the document camera (teacher created). I gave the students the definition of context clues along with a hand motion. This is the second step in the 5-step lesson template.
"Context Clues are used to find the meaning of an unknown word by using the words around it." The hand motion was to shrug shoulders and then make a circle with one hand.
After practicing the new Power Pix as a class and in pairs, I went on to the third step: Extend. For the extension I explained that to find the meaning of an unknown word students should choose a synonym that would fit in the sentence. I showed several examples of this. Then, I had the students practice choosing a synonym for an unknown word with several examples.
When I felt that the students had been given enough examples, I moved on to the fourth step: Test. I excited the students by announcing that this test required no writing, no grading, and would be FUN! Student heaven! They couldn't wait! The first test was "Yes" "No-Way!" The students loved the hand motions, and had a great time telling me if what I said was correct or not. Since they did great with the test I explained that they were ready for the next test, which is called QT. They really liked the name until I told them what it meant (quick test). However, once I explained the process they were all back on board. We practiced saying QT and covering our eyes several times before I gave them true and false statements about unknown words. Now that the students were not able to copy their neighbors, they had a lot harder time showing understanding. Several of them were even peaking! After several attempts, I explained that they were going to need more practice before they would be ready to pass the QT test. I promised them that I would teach them the third test if they passed the QT test tomorrow.
The students are now excited and curious about what the next test will be. They all want to try really hard on the QT test so that the next part will be revealed. I have never had a class so excited to take a "test"! Teacher heaven!
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